Strategic Communication
We study the use of planned, controlled and persuasive communication, with a view to the achievement of organizational goals, based on a holistic view of communication.
Areas of intervention
Sustainable cities and communities
A theme that is well established in scientific output, international networks and an annual Ibero-American Conference on Place Branding held since 2020.
Responsible production and consumption
A line of research pursued through projects funded by institutional partners.
Strategic communication applied to health
A theme explored hand-in-hand with education and institutional partners and well established in scientific output and conferences.
Brand communication
Researchers whose knowledge, experience and skills are focused on publicity, branding and marketing reflect and propose strategies based on scientific evidence.
We seek to explain and predict human behaviour as a consequence of the strategic use of communication. We thus promote individual or collective changes that entail an improvement in quality of life.

LICA - Behavioral Research Laboratory
Click on the photo of each researcher to access their details.
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